Fifty shades of Gray was originally a Twilight Fanfiction by written by E.L. James, that was then adoption into a movie that gain mass popularity with mostly woman. The thought of an innocent girl being pursued by a rich, handsome man is admittable an appealing thought to many women.
Christian Gray was a physically handsome man and was also financially stable in fifty shades of Gray, with many women who watched the movie falling for him, and the concept of being dominated by such a successful, handsome man.
(No offence to old, or people big in body as I will use examples, thank you.)
Imagine you are a young Collage girl, who attends an interview for your friend, the CEO of the company begins to stalk you after the interview. Because the CEO is rich and handsome you are not creeped out by this behaviour, in fact you the young girl calls him while you are drunk at the bar, and he manages to track you there (so sexy?).
We will be looking into several different scenarios with different examples of the Christian Gray character and conclude in the end if you would still have the same views afterwards.
The concept of Christian Gray is the original one from the movies, again handsome, wealthy, and has a personality that women seem to love.
But there is one thing about his character that is very creepy: the stalking.
He stalks the female lead in the movie, now I do not know about you, but that would creep me out.
And that is why we will be looking at different examples of a Christian Gray character.
The first example being:
He is still rich but, in this scenario, he is a middle-aged man, or even older, some of you can imagine him being older if you wish, a completely old man.
Ok so we established he is old, but he is rich, but we can tell that he once was a handsome man in his prime.
So, you the young girl attends an interview in place of your friend, after the interview with the respectable elderly man (I don’t believe Anastasia would have the same conversation like what she had with a young Christian Gray, as his good looks would have faded).
You go back to your regular life, and all looks well (well, as well as it usually goes for Anastasia) until you look around your back and sees respectful elderly CEO Christian Gray watching you at your work place, but you say hi and just brush it off because you think it is a coincidence.
He asked you out for a bite to eat, this could go two ways,
— you say yes like in the movie but then he gives that pained Edward Cullen look comes up right to your face and tells you he cannot see you anymore. this makes your extremely uncomfortable because he is not exactly handsome anymore, unless you do not mind that then it goes along just like the movie.
— you politely say no because you are not interested in in having a relation with an elderly person.
We reach the bar scene, if the option you selected above was number one, would you call Christian Gray and let him track you to the bar, for all you know he could be in bed because he needs his rest.
Would it not be creepy and scary, and very stalker like if this elderly man were able to track you so easily to the bar, without you telling him where you are.
Yes, it is very creepy, but for young, rich Christian Gray, it is seen as sexy.
This time forget the old man, this time imagine instead a man who is the same age as young Christian Gray, but this time he only owns a small business, so no yachts, no helicopters, no expensive cars, (in fact he only owns one beat up used car) just a small business.
He also happens to not be handsome at all, in fact he is in no way, shape or form good looking, and he just does not have the same masculine energy as sexy Christian Gray, he is physically unfit, he looks like he has not exercised a day in his life.
You attend an interview at his small business for your sick friend.
Sure, you still fall flat on your face, but you get back up. Your head is clear, and You read and ask intelligent questions, because he is not bursting with masculine energy, so you are not as intimidated like Anastasia in the movie.
The interview goes well, you leave and get back to your life.
But just like with the two previous versions of Christian Gray, this version shows up at your workplace.
You brush it off because he just owns a small business, so it’s not like he has servants to shop for him, he is just there for something.
He again asks you out to eat and like up above with the two choices, say you choose the first choice.
He makes the pained Edward Cullen face and tells you the same thing like in the movie, with his face close to yours.
Imagine in your mind how that would look and compare it to rich, handsome Christian Gray, I don’t know about you but to me not only would be extremely creepy, but it would also look ridiculous, and not sexy in the slightest.
Now why would it look ridiculous? Because not handsome and not rich Christian Gray would not have the same effect as Handsome and rich Christian Gray, plus you hardly know him (to you it’s like he is performing a Drama skit or something).
So, you would just be there standing awkwardly right? Because you are not mesmerised by this unimpressive Christian Gray
But the stalking continues just like in the movie, would you think its sexy, like movie Anastasia and accept his offer of BDSM when you hardly know each other.
Or would you call the cops on this unimpressive, not handsome in anyway, small business owner Christian Gray.
If I could make an emoji face right I would.
Thank you for reading, meant no offence.